QUEER(ING) GENDER IN ITALIAN WOMENS WRITING is the first study of its kind to systematically use queer theory as a theoretical framework of analysis of Italian womens writing. Focusing especially on the writers Dacia Maraini, Goliarda Sapienza and Elsa Morante, and delimiting the field of enquiry to works written in the 1970s and 1980s, the book positions its chosen texts in their historical and cultural backdrop and illustrates the ways in which the authors responded in highly original ways to the debates of the day in matters of gender and sexuality, bringing them close to current «queer» formulations. Judith Butler is a key interlocutor here, as in the few existing critical contributions offering a «queer» reading of texts from the Italian literary tradition, but rather than rely predominantly on her theorisation of the performative quality of gender, this book incorporates additional concepts that are key to Butlers notion of queer, such as «parody», «citationality», «drag» and «undoing gender». It further seeks to enrich existing critical debates on Italian womens writing, and on Maraini, Sapienza and Morante in particular, by considering them in relation to other influential queer theorists – including Teresa de Lauretis, Jack Halberstam, Lee Edelman, Sara Ahmed and (the authors queer reading of) Julia Kristeva – in the belief that the plurality intrinsic to the formulation of «queer» is crucial for its potential as a tool for critical inquiry. This book was the Joint Winner of the 2017 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in Modern Italian Studies.
Über „Queer(ing) Gender in Italian Womens Writing: Maraini, Sapienza, Morante“
Mit „Queer(ing) Gender in Italian Womens Writing: Maraini, Sapienza, Morante“ von Maria Morelli, erschienen am 30042021 bei Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers, will das Modelshootingsprojekt „Male Beauty Shootings“ auf das vielfältige Angebot an LGB-Literatur aufmerksam machen.
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Sie sind stets willkommen im Buchladen „Bundesamt für magische Wesen“ in Bonn, der Stauhauptstadt von Nordrhein-Westfalen, um z.B. Ihre bestellte LGB-Literatur von Maria Morelli abzuholen. Und für einen Kaffee sowie ein Gespräch über LGB-Literatur ist bei uns immer Zeit.
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Hat Ihnen „Queer(ing) Gender in Italian Womens Writing: Maraini, Sapienza, Morante“ gefallen? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie das Buch bewerten würden. Nicht nur wir, auch die Suchmaschinen lieben Bewertungen der Literatur für die bisexuelle, lesbische und schwule Leserschaft und das unterstützt die Sichtbarkeit von Buchläden und Verlagen in den Suchmaschinen. Autoren wie Maria Morelli freuen sich immer über konstruktive Kritik.
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