Privileged Pariahdom: Homosexuality in the Novels of Dominique Fernandez

Autoren: Lucille Cairns


  • Softcover : 178 Seiten
  • Verlag: Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
  • Autor(en): Lucille Cairns
  • Fotograf(en):
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 1101996
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3-906756-16-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-906756-16-5
  • Vom BAfmW empfohlenes Alter: ab 18 Jahren
  • Größe: 15 x 22 cm
  • Gewicht: 260 Gramm

Lieferzeit: Vergriffen

Nicht vorrätig


In this first full-length study of Dominique Fernandez, Lucille Cairns examines the representation of homosexuality in his novels, placing them in an evolving cultural and discursive context, and interrogating their sexual politics. Consecrated by the French literary establishment through numerous laudatory reviews and the conferment of seven prestigious prizes, Fernandez has also been pigeonholed by it as a champion of gay rights, while more recently being rejected by young gay activists as a reactionary. Scrutinizing novels covering a period from 1959 to 1994, Cairns highlights a controversial development in Fernandez’s inscription of homosexuality as a sexual, social, political and ideological reality. Arguing for Fernandez’s importance as one of the most prominent and stylistically accessible of post-’68 French gay writers, she also posits the vision of homosexuality he mediates as disturbingly dissident in its historical context, both from a heterocratic and from a pro-gay perspective. Written for those interested in homosexuality, sexual politics, and modern French literature and culture, this introductory work assumes no prior knowledge of these fields.


Über „Privileged Pariahdom: Homosexuality in the Novels of Dominique Fernandez“

Mit „Privileged Pariahdom: Homosexuality in the Novels of Dominique Fernandez“ von Lucille Cairns, erschienen am 1101996 bei Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers, will das Modelshootingsprojekt „Male Beauty Shootings“ auf das vielfältige Angebot an LGB-Literatur aufmerksam machen.

Bestellen Sie Bücher von Lucille Cairns online

Sie sind stets willkommen im Buchladen „Bundesamt für magische Wesen“ in Bonn, der Stauhauptstadt von Nordrhein-Westfalen, um z.B. Ihre bestellte LGB-Literatur von Lucille Cairns abzuholen. Und für einen Kaffee sowie ein Gespräch über LGB-Literatur ist bei uns immer Zeit.

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Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 260 g
Größe 15 × 22 cm


Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers


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